Reports & eBooks

Feedback is about learning, but why stop there? Usersnap publishes valuable reports, e-books, and other resources about product management, development, and user-centric growth.

Usersnap feedback platform

Product Growth Trend Report, 2024 Edition

This annual trend report dives into the pivotal impact of artificial intelligence on product management. It examines the extent and pace at which AI is driving a fundamental transformation in this field. Be among the first to obtain a copy of the report upon its release to dive deeper into the details.

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2024 Product Growth & AI Report by Usersnap
2023 Product Development & Growth Report by Usersnap

Product Growth Trend Report, 2023 Edition

User-centricity is more than a catchphrase, it needs to be within your operations. Learn from the 100+ verified product managers about how they enhance bottom-line growth through user-centric development and product strategies.

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How to Turn Customer Feedback into Product Value (eBook)

Customers represents your brand. And their feedback should be the most important building blocks of your product. This ebook has been created from extensive research and includes exclusive interviews with product leaders at amazing companies.

Learn how listening to your customers can help unlock product values.

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Customer Feedback - e-Book
Customer Feedback - Ebook

How to Use Product Feedback to Boost Customer Experience (eBook)

Customers experience is key in customer acquisition, retention and standing out from your competitors. This ebook was created to help you measure and build outstanding experiences.

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How to rock User Acceptance Testing

Download this eBook about how to double the deployment speed of your product or acceptance of your project with User Acceptance Testing.

In this eBook, you learn how you can set up a UAT and how to get your team on board and make your product successful.

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UAT - Ebook

Get your client's projects approved faster (eBook)

In this eBook you can learn how more than 1,500 agencies and software development companies rocked their acceptance testing with their clients. This eBook should give you valuable hints how to improve and speed up your client's approval process with visual feedback.

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How to build products people love

Download our e-book and learn from thought leaders about the consumer adoption process, why designing experiences becomes more important every day, and how successful companies are doing user testing.

We have asked 6 experts about user testing and product development to bring you cutting-edge ideas, insights, and lessons learned.

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Product love - ebook
QA culture - ebook

The Ultimate Guide To Building An Engaging QA Culture (eBook)

We talked to the QA lead at Uber and compiled the newest researches and trends for you in these 25 pages.

Learn how modern processes can help create a more engaged and productive team culture today.

Agile teams that demonstrate a strong sense of collaboration and adopted continuous testing deliver outcomes 1.9 times faster.

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How to set up CI/CD in GitLab and GitHub (eBook)

Follow this step-by-step guide to set up your CI/CD pipeline with your Git repository, whether you are using GitLab or GitHub.

We've also threw in some helpful tips for quality assurance and gathering user feedback to enhance your continuous improvement cycle.

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CI/CD ebook
bug bash

The 8 Step Bug Bash Testing Guide

Make your bug bash productive and fun. Templates and print out materials all ready for download.

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Know what customers want.

Collect customer feedback for free. No credit card.

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